East Surrey Green Party

Redhill Station redevelopment. Have your say.

Photo of Councillor Sue Sinden outside Redhill Station

Solum (Network Rail and a housing developer) have put in new plans to build on the station car park right outside the station. Now 255 flats (none affordable), over five tower blocks, up to 15 storeys high. This would be the new highest building in Redhill. 

The new plans include a new bus stop by Ladbroke Rd not the bus station (where there is a loading bay instead!). Most cars and cyclists are still expected to use the Redstone Hill entrance as per earlier plans. And no kiss-and-drop. Have your say at: bit.ly/RedhillStation 

Instead why not lead on a vision for a Better Redhill: 

  • An inspiring gateway into Redhill – Why not a pedestrian walkway from station concourse level straight into the town centre linked with a revamped and better library and Harlequin – easing traffic around Redhill too.
  • A better theatre and cultural offer – Increased capacity for the Harlequin so a wider range of acts come to our town;
  • An accessible town centre – including a big enough bus station, now and for the future;

What do you think? Please let us know your thoughts!

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