East Surrey Green Party

Greens call for Thames Water to be nationalised over sewage ‘disgrace’

Woman testing river water

Thames Water must be brought into public ownership to end the “disgraceful” pollution of local waterways by raw sewage discharges, say the Greens on Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.

A Green motion to be debated tonight (Thursday) at the full council meeting will explain that untreated sewage was released into the River Mole or its tributaries for more than 3,300 hours in 2023.

The motion, proposed by Cllr Victoria Chester, says this was the result of the “failed experiment” of privatisation, and demands that the government nationalises Thames Water.

It also calls for the council to declare a vote of no confidence in Thames Water and to ask the government to place the company into Special Administration to protect the public interest.

These moves would ensure proper investment to bring the service up to standard and protect the public from massive bill hikes.

Cllr Chester says: “The pollution of our local waterways caused by Thames Water is an unacceptable disgrace. Not only has there been ‘overtopping’ of raw sewage directly onto public land in Horley, but almost two thirds of all Thames Water’s sewage treatment works are potentially non-compliant with their permits. This cannot be allowed to continue.”

S/he adds: “I can see no possible reason why councillors of all parties should not support this motion, given that the issue directly affects the health and wellbeing of our residents and our environment.”

The motion also supports calls by grassroots campaign organisations to amend the Water (Special Measures) Bill currently progressing through Parliament to:

  • Stop the proposed public bailout of the water industry;
  • Make sure Ofwat acts in the interests of the public and nature;
  • Enforce new and existing laws;
  • Have employees, bill payers and council appointees on the boards of all water companies.

The motion was referred by the Mayor for consideration by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny committee

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