East Surrey Green Party

Surrey Council elections postponed. Green Party reacts

Adrian Ramsay MP, Surrey Cllr Essex, Horley Cllr Chester and Baroness Natalie Bennett outside UK Houses of Parliament

Greens across Surrey have reacted with anger to the news that the Surrey County Council elections due to be held in May have been cancelled.

Cllr Jonathan Essex, county councillor for Redhill East, said: “Cllr Tim Oliver, Conservative leader of the council, tried to have these elections cancelled, because the Surrey Conservatives are scared to face the voters. I’m very disappointed that he was successful; the local Conservatives have forfeited their right to represent the county as we face an uncertain future for local decision-making. 

“There will be more attacks on local democracy to come, if plans for council re-organisation go ahead here and the old parties are allowed to carve up the area for themselves. 

“The big parties in Westminster falsely claim they want to devolve more power to local councils, but Labour’s latest plans will see this year’s election cancelled. Our fragile democracy can’t afford to ignore the people’s right to vote. 

Greens would have stood more candidates than ever before at the Surrey County Council elections, he said. “People should have a real choice between the failed Tory and Labour parties, and the Green Party will always defend local decision-making. With a five-fold increase in Green councillor numbers over the last five local elections, the Greens are a growing force as voters realise that the big parties do not act in their interest and that the real aim of so-called ‘devolution’ is quite the opposite: to move decision-making upwards to more unaccountable bodies.”

National Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay MP said: “How can the government claim an electoral mandate for these major local government changes if those most impacted see their elections cancelled? 

Ramsay continues, “The Green Party is urging the government to save our democracy, allow these long-planned elections to take place and get around the table to discuss how to make devolution work for people in local areas across the country. We want decisions made closest to where they have the greatest impact with significant devolution of powers and funding from Westminster. Without that, people will grow ever more cynical about politics.”

Steve Williams, Green Cllr and Portfolio Holder for Environment & Sustainability at Waverley Borough Council in the South West of the county said: 

“Green Party branches across the county have been gearing up to campaigning to secure a bigger voice for Greens in the council chamber at this important time. But more importantly, the electors of Surrey, concerned about the future of our county, will be deeply disappointed at the way in which the government has taken away the opportunity for voters to give their verdict on the shocking record of successive Conservative administrations at Surrey County Council.”

Steve Ringham, Green Cllr and Co-Leader at Runnymede Borough Council in North Surrey said:

“We may have lost this battle to see local democracy upheld, but it’s only delaying the inevitable for the Conservatives in Surrey. Having lost control of all bar one Borough Council, they know they faced the very real possibility of losing control of the County. And so they should. Their stewardship has been a disaster for Surrey’s residents. For myself and other dedicated Green Party councillors, campaigners and activists, we will continue to work hard to support our residents as well as campaign for the eventual elections for the new authority.”


  1. The government’s plans are outlined here: Local government reorganisation: letter to two-tier areas – GOV.UK
  2. For more information, contact Jonathan Essex on greenjonathanessex@gmail.com, 07801 541 924

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